Healthy Made Easy

Fresh, Local Food

As a Home Cuisine client, you can receive dinner 7 days a week, delivered to your doorstep - deliveries are made twice a week. All of our meals are professionally curated and prepared using the finest, freshest ingredients possible. Home Cuisine recipes never use white flour, sugar, canned ingredients or bad trans fats. Instead, our recipes contain fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, utilizing local, organic ingredients as often and as much as possible.

Weight-Loss Or Weight-Management Plans

Home Cuisine has a meal plan that is tailored to the customer’s weight management goals. For those interested in losing weight, a 550 calorie dinner option is available. For customers who simply wish to maintain their current weight, the 850 calorie dinner option will be your best choice. And, Home Cuisine rigorously follows the American Diabetes and American Heart Association guidelines when preparing your meals. Our on staff Registered Dietitian Nutritionist analyzes and identifies correct portion sizes ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Save Your Time, Enjoy Your Healthy Life

Home Cuisine is a time-saver. Complete meals for every day are delivered, twice weekly, to your front door. No shopping for groceries. No cooking and cleaning up afterwards. No guesswork about what to prepare and whether or not it will be good for you or be within your targeted calorie range. Home Cuisine has done all of that for you. And, each meal is individually packaged with complete instructions on the small amount of preparation required to put the food on your table (which is usually just a quick ‘warm up’!)

Healthy Doesn't Mean Boring

Home Cuisine offers you variety! The menus in the plan change weekly - a great deal of creativity has gone into developing the recipes. Our meal plans draw upon the expertise of our founder, Chef Sandy Pike’s, 30+ years of culinary experience, the advice and recommendations of nutrition specialists, research conducted at local and regional universities, and a computer program that assures the calorie content is accurate once the recipes are selected.